Unfortunately my folks are still in northern climes, but we got to spend a lovely weekend with

Rico's family. Aunties, uncle, nonna and cousins all gathered to celebrate the twins turning six. Hordes of screaming children made me look forward to, and fear, the time when it will be our little girl's turn. It was a little bit scary for her at first, with all the people and the noise, but by the end of the night, after most people had gone, she was laughing, literally, she laughed her probably first spontaneous laugh, when she was surrounded by her aunties and her

nonna. Mum was happy and relaxed, we had raided the niece's birthday presents and were watching Enchanted (love that movie) so perhaps Gemma sensed the joy and calm in the air. The next day was another big one with a visit to the Pompeii exhibit at the museum. No wonder she is tuckered out today.

Well what else is going on? She is starting to have more control over her body. When she is laying on her mat and grabbing her favourite sheep with her left hand (it has a bell in it) she can now turn her body so she can grab it with her right hand as well, "all the better to eat you with", she mumbles (I'm sure) as she guides it to her mouth. Also she is now sitting somewhat forward, when you hold her with her head in your hand, feet towards you, she will curl up her body, so as to be more upright, "all the better to eat you with", she mumbles as she shoves your fingers in her mouth.
Tomorrow should be an interesting day - my first mothers' group class. Owing to the failures of the Melbourne postal system I was not informed of the start, so tomorrow will be the third session, oh well hopefully I haven't missed vital information that will affect her for the rest of her life.