Lyn:"Thanks Gemma, just what I always wanted."

Yep it was that time of year, Mothers Day combined with Auntie Anna and Maria's birthdays (11th and 12th) and also cousin Samuel's birthday (12th). Yes it is a presssie giving, cake eating frenzy of a weekend. So we went up to Wang for another night at Nonna's house, where the aforementioned miracle of the long sleep took place. Then after a somewhat interupted ride home - there was a cow on the road between Wang and Benalla - she went straight to sleep for another long sleep after her feed. Hmmm, I know it can't last, but the fact that it actually happened at all gives me hope for the future.
OK, back to reality today when she shot poo at me in the middle of a change and did her first big sick-up on my shoulder - I kinda feel like a real mother now. Anyway, we have made it to the milestone six week mark (which everyone says is the worst) and have come out the other end with our sanity intact. There were some scary times, but more good ones as we are getting to know this little girl of ours.
By the way did I mention that she is smiling quite a bit now - pretty magical when this little creature turns to you and flashes those toothless gums.
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