Sunday, August 30, 2009

Visits are fun

The last few months have been one long cup of tea. People visit you, well the baby really, but I love it. It is somewhat like a pilgrimage that you seem programmed to make, to celebrate with and welcome this new little person into this crazy world. In the words of Seinfeld "you gotta see the baby". Gemma is lucky that she is surrounded by such a great bunch of family and friends. Including her Uncle Paul and her great-aunt Ursula.

We have motion

Yes, Gemma is starting to work out that moving is good, it can get you closer to toys and other fun things to munch on. She has indeed worked out how to flip herself from laying on her back to laying on her front. Soon I expect her to be tearing up and down the house with her new-found rolling skills (future candidate for Australian of the year perhaps?) Except that, slight problem, she can't flip herself back yet. Oh well, there goes stardom. The first time really was very cute, she was laying with mum and dad on a rug and rock, rock, rock, over! Then she promptly burst into tears as she gave herself a bit of a fright.

"Hmmm, now I just gotta work out how to go the other way "

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And for my next trick...

For my first trick I will grab my foot and bring it to my mouth, ta da! Wait there's more, I will also, drumroll...., hold my head off the mat, da da daa!

I will also just look pretty darn cute (not too much effort required for that one really).