Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We love solids!

Food, glorious food. In no time at all it will be pizza and popcorn in front of the tv, but for now she is joining most of the world's population in enjoying rice. Rice cereal with breast milk, seems to be her breakfast of choice/ only choice. She has also discovered the delights of mushy pumpkin, carrots, and cauliflower. Yum!
Mum was a lot happier too as Gemma started sleeping longer after a period of waking up more frequently in the night - a sign perhaps that she was ready for a bit more than just the boob. So after solids her last feed has gone to around 7.30, giving mum a relaxing evening and early to bed. However, last night we were back to the old 10.30 feed. Darn it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fathers' day

We had plans of walks in the pram, visits to creperies and lots of other fun activities, basking in the warm glow of happy family life, like a hallmark card come to life. But all that went down the proverbial loo when our little one got her first cold! It all started with a sniff, then a sob then a sniff sniff sniff, sob sob sob, and it was all downhill from there. I must say though that the girl was a little trooper. Even through her snotty nose and red runny eyes she could still muster a smile. And really she could have been a lot more sooky than she actually was. So after a frantic, "what do we do?", tilting the bed, sucking out her snot and a run to the chemist for a humidifier, we settled in to wait it out. We are still waiting...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gemma's first look

Gemma: "Wow, I'm ridiculously good-looking, perhaps I could do that for a professionally good-looking". I better practice my best look, I like to call it Blue Steel. Ha Ha, just kidding!

Happy as a persimmon in poo

People that know me know that I happen to have an affection for fruit trees, the more I can manage to cram in, the happier I am. This can sometimes cause problems between Rico "I just want some space to hit the cricket ball" and myself. But sometimes our wishes can coincide. See, Rico loves eating persimmons and I love planting persimmons, so yay, compromise time. So on the afore-posted trip, I loaded up the back of the car with some quality, aged cow poo (bloody cheap at 2 bucks a bag!) and was able to get away with causing a somwhat ripe smell in the car for a few days, because "it was all for the persimmon!". (Oh, all those other bags, well I need some for the other trees, my tomatoes, my roses....but mainly for the persimmon)
Anyway, we had a fun time planting the new (non-astringent) persimmon with little Gemma. So hopefully when she's big enough to pick 'em, the tree will be big enough to produce 'em. (Got to get her on my side - fruit trees are ace! - early).

more visits

This time instead of letting the world come and worship at the (very cute) feet of Gemma, we went out to the world. Well Wangaratta anyway. Mum bravely bundled up the little one, put every toy she might possibly need, enough clothes for a month and a truckload of nappies in the car and went to visit Rico's mum (without Rico!). After a bit of "what is this strange place?", Gemma slept ok(ish) and had lots of fun playing with her cousins Luke and Samuel. Mum also had her first haircut since before baby, ciao split ends!