Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby yoga

One of the nicest things my mums group does is yoga. We all shuffle along to Land of Yoga and restore our serenity, thanks Toby. Gemma is pretty interested in all this and the mum who took this photo assures me that she had the movements all down.
(Things are a little bit more complicated now as she has discovered crawling - as of two days ago! She now wants to go find other babies in the room, claw at their eyes and nibble on their plump little hands. So Mum has to have one eye on her inner chakras and the other on the crawling, chewing child)

Long time between drinks

Ok, yes, it has been too long since my last post. Who would have thought that one day a week of work could make me so busy. Yes, as of about four or five weeks ago I started back at work one day a week. Which is great! I am lucky in that I work with a great bunch of people and it is good to catch up with everyone again. It is not without it's downside however; as I am only working one day a week I am still breastfeeding and therefore express a couple of times on the day I am at work. At least they have a room set up for this sort of thing, but I still find it pretty darn unpleasant. Oh well, not too much longer.

On my day at work her dad looks after her. Which was a bit stressfull the first day, there was laughter there were tears (but only for a second I am assured), but I think they are both getting used to it now. Rico is enjoying time with his little girl (especially last Tuesday when apparently there was a lot of happy squealing) and she gets to hang with her daddy.