Our latest thing is kisses. She is not quite s
ure what they are yet, but she is learning that it is something you do when you are happy, it involves the mouth and it's more fun when you join in. So when you zoom in to her face to lay a big wet one on her cheek she will open her mouth and move her head towards your mouth. See some of the attached pictures for a demonstration of the mouth position involved. Of course her aim isn't always very accurate... Noses sometimes get in the way.

On Saturday night we went to friends' place for their annual Christmas in July. Gemma enjoyed looking at turkey, even if she couldn't eat it. Mum enjoyed the eating, not just the looking. On Sunday we went for a drive to Ruffy in the Strathbogies. We would eventually like to get a piece of land in the country, and somewhere convenient to both Melbourne and family in the country would be great, just a dream for now, but it was a nice drive, with a yummy lunch at the Ruffy Produce Store.

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